Friday, February 12, 2021

From Jo THE BOSS to AMY & League Members

 AMY Girl I praise your athletic football picking prowess this past crazy COVID NFL Season!  To win the Millie & Chappie awards isn’t easy and you dominated the Go-Zone league for the Double Crown.  Congratulations my sweet niece and....welcome to the elite Double Crown Club (Kevin, Jo, Mike, Ed? Patrick? - Commish can you verify please, thanks). Looking forward to this summer’s awards ceremony (minus the “ding-dang” virus as our granddaughter McKenzie dubbed it)!

To all my awesome league relatives, thanks for another amazing and strange football season.  I absolutely enjoy and look forward to reading all your posts.  There’s nothing better than family in this world and I for one feel blessed to have married into this one 49 years ago  Tradition is key

Commish and Omaha you two are THE BEST for all you do to keep the GO-Zone operating smoothly. I know this is no easy task and very time consuming but for the benefit of all.  You ARE appreciated 👍☘️

Commish, please order a small “I beat Omaha again” shirt for me.  I’ll wear it proudly to Amy’s Awards Ceremony.  Maybe you should order one for darling mother Gracie too  

Hope to see you all this summer.....

Love, Jo The Boss 🏈☘️🥰



Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Thank you all for the congratulatory texts and posts!  What a crazy season!  I am so honored to have won the Millie and the Chappie. It's weird that the people I live with have not even acknowledged my winning ways......regardless I can't wait to see as many of you as possible at the award ceremony!  I'll have to buy a special outfit to match my new Omaha shirt ;).  

Thanks for another fun season. XO, Amy

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Revised Final Power Stats Week 21 Super Bowl 20-21


Upon consjultation with Wayne the official auditor here is the final standings of the 2020-21 GoZone Football League.

 Congratulations Amy!!  Spectacular season for you!!  Be sure to get your T-shirt and wear it proudly!  It’s the best picture he’s ever taken!😅🤗hh

Monday, February 8, 2021

Congrats to Amy!

 Congratulations Amy on your run-away win enroute to claiming the beloved Chappie Award!  You will be the pre-season favorite in next season's football league race.


Chairman, Awards Committee
CEO Auditing Department
Senior Visible Member - Advisory Committee.

Now Taking Orders


Now that the season is over, it is time for our annual orders of "I Beat Omaha" Tee shirts. It is a very popular item, so be sure to get your orders in early. 

Here are the members eligible for the T-Shirt:

  • Amy
  • Judy (probably multiple)
  • Mike
  • Lindsey
  • Kirk
  • Patrick
  • Jo
  • Nick
  • Luke
  • Peg
  • Sean
  • Kev
  • Karen
  • Ryan
  • Ed

...Oh, to hell with it. The Senior Advisory Council has just ruled that ALL members are eligible this year!! Prices will be published soon!

The Tee shirt will be redesigned to include the following image:

The Commish

Congratulations Amy!!


Amy has won the Chappie! Displaying incredible picking ability down the stretch, Amy has added the Chappie to the Millie to be the latest two trophy league member! In fact, to get ahead of Jo, Amy, Judy and Lindsey were three of the top four finishers this season. 

The league was formed by the Council of Elders to provide a forum for the Gonyea and O'Leary families. When we first conceived of the rules of the GoZone, we attempted to design the rules so that the overall winner would have to pick the winner of the Super Bowl.  No one has yet won without doing that. This adds integrity to the process and a bit of fun to the Super Bowl itself.

There have been many paths to the Chappie, and each year brings its own surprises. This was the first year Amy ever won either the Millie or the Chappie, and her picks were flawless down the stretch. I know because I was trailing her by only a few points the entire playoffs, and every time I had a good week, Amy had at least as good a week, and some weeks she gained on me.

So congratulations Amy! But don't expect a lot of praise. The league members are notoriously competitive and it usually takes a few weeks for them to respond as they should. 

Congrats again. You are a fine champion.

The Commish

Season 2020-21 Season Stats


Sunday, February 7, 2021