Monday, January 4, 2021

Patriot Picks

 This is in answer to your recent post, Kirk, about my seeming pleasure of picking the Pats.

The pleasure isn't about seeing the Pats lose.  After all, I, too cheered each of the Pats' Super Bowl victories.  No, the pleasure is seeing Deland and the Commish (also The Ghost, but to a lesser degree) in anguish for picking with their heart and not their head.

You also need to remember that the Pats didn't exist when I was growing up in NH - our NFL home team to cheer for was - believe this or not - the NY Giants.  It's not the same as cheering for the Sox, or the Celtics if I was a hoops fan, which I'm not.

So my post was to jab the Oleary boys for letting their emotions overrule their better sense.

"better sense," heh heh, excuse me, what was I thinking...? 
