Monday, January 25, 2021

Week 20 Audit

 Congrats to the Commish!

My Week 20 audit reveals no exceptions to either the Week 20 championships picks results, or to the Week 20 Power Stats.


CEO Auditing Dept
Chief Statistician
VP Quality Control

Week 20 Conference Championships Final Stats


Monday, January 18, 2021

Week 19 Division Championship Audit

 My audit of your Week 19, Division Championship Picks chart agrees with your results.

You do have a typo on your Week 19 Power Stats, however. 

As indicated on your picks chart, Windsor Locks is correctly shown with 167 points, but you incorrectly show her with 187 points on your Power Stats.  I'm sure she appreciates your generosity.  


CEO Auditing Dept.
Chief Statistician
VP Quality Control

Week 20 Conference Championships Picks Link

Week 19 Division Championships Stats


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Picks Chart Audit

 There was an error on the Commish's picks chart posted yesterday.  The Commish posted that The Ghost picked the Bills over the Ravens; however, prior to the start of the game, he learned the Ghost had actually picked the Ravens.  Today's picks chart corrects that error.

Also, today's picks chart shows I picked the Bucs over the Saints in today's game.  I notified the Commish prior to the start of the game that I actually picked the Saints over the Browns, and he has made this correction also.  This notification is for your information, but I didn't request the Commish re-post the chart.


Overworked CEO, Auditing Department

Week 19 Division Championships Final Picks


Monday, January 11, 2021

Week 18 - Wild Card Weekend Audit

 You did a good job on your Week 18 Wildcard update chart, but you had a typo on The Fro's numbers.

He correctly picked two favorites to win for a total of 6 points, which you correctly show on your chart.  You also correctly show him with 165 previous points.

However, 165 & 6 = 171, but you gave him a new total of  176, which can only be a typo.  You correctly show him with 171 points on your Week 18 Power Stats.


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Dept.
Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief Statistician

Week 19 Division Championships Picks Chart Link

Week 18 Power Stats


Week 18 Wild Card Weekend Results and Stats


Saturday, January 9, 2021

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Girls Rule

 Congratulations Rolls! Great to see the women of the Go -Zone leading much of the way with Lindsay and Amy coming from behind to win The Millie. I too am all about the power of women in this crazy Gonyea-Severance-O’Leary family. “Yes, that includes you Omaha and Granby”. On our way to hopefully an in-person summer celebration. I will be there with my pom-poms!

The Boss

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Millie Speech

 Oh where to begin.......thank my uncles for all their support? Nah. Brag about girl power? Nah.  I actually wasn't given the ability to bullsh*t, a skill that most of my family possesses.  I believe I take after my Nana and my mom and will get straight to the point.  Thanks! Props to Lindsay for a close race! I would also like to thank Cam Newton, he made it a lot easier picking against the Pats this year! Good luck to all in the playoffs.

~Rolls, AKA Millie Winner 2020/2021

Monday, January 4, 2021

Chargers Correction


Amy is even more impressive. She scored a 15-1 week to win the Millie by 2 points. Congrats Amy! 

The Millie

I have corrected week 17 picks chart, week 17 stats and week 17 Power Stats, although I will not post them again.

Congrats again!

Week 17 Audit

 Because Rolls said she picked the Chargers, not the Chiefs, I called the Commish about this discrepancy.  The Commish checked this out, and will make any necessary change.

Since there was no other discrepancy, my audit agrees with the Commish's numbers.


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Dept
Supervisor of Housekeeping

Patriot Picks

 This is in answer to your recent post, Kirk, about my seeming pleasure of picking the Pats.

The pleasure isn't about seeing the Pats lose.  After all, I, too cheered each of the Pats' Super Bowl victories.  No, the pleasure is seeing Deland and the Commish (also The Ghost, but to a lesser degree) in anguish for picking with their heart and not their head.

You also need to remember that the Pats didn't exist when I was growing up in NH - our NFL home team to cheer for was - believe this or not - the NY Giants.  It's not the same as cheering for the Sox, or the Celtics if I was a hoops fan, which I'm not.

So my post was to jab the Oleary boys for letting their emotions overrule their better sense.

"better sense," heh heh, excuse me, what was I thinking...? 



I picked the chargers not the chiefs.


Playoff Rules and Picks Chart Link

Playoff Game Rules:

1. Members will begin the playoffs with their total points from the season.

2. Each playoff pick win will add 3 points to their scores.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well. The underdog will be determined by the Commissioner and identified on the picks chart.

4. The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points, with 3 underdog points.

5. In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.

         Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a. Most Rushing Yards on offense
b. Most Passing Yards on offense
c. Most Completions on offense
d. Most penalty yards as a team
e. Most sacks on defense
f. Most Rushing TD's
g. Most Passing TD’s

Week 17 Power Stats


Week 17 Stats

 Congratulations to Amy for her winning of the Millie!! It was a close race, and fittingly came down to the last week to beat out Lindsey for the award.

The Stats"

Sunday, January 3, 2021

 After reading the post from Omaha I felt sickened that a man from NE would take pleasure and brag about his picks against the Patriots. I to have cast votes against the Patriots on a couple of occasions but felt as if i had just kicked a baby seal. You should be ashamed for taking pleasure in committing blasphemy. 

Although, I cant help but think there may be something that history has not reviewed to me ~ perhaps your were asked to leave this GREAT part of the country that I am not aware of. 

Delane /Commish - lets set the record straight. Why was he exiled?

Week 17 Picks