Monday, February 3, 2020

Dear Omaha

A little luck at the end to capture The Chappie.The Millie and The Chappie stay in Florida! It was very apparent that the Omaha congratulatory piece was extremely painful for him. I am sure he quadruple-checked his figures with the usual ten fingers and a box of pencils! Thanks to all for the many cards, letters, texts and calls. Well Mickey Mouse is calling to see if I am ready for The Disney Parade. Lots of sunblock and on my way!
Best to all,

Order of Finish

Below is the order of finish for the 2019-20 GO Zone football pick-em league:

1.         Deland                                                     211
2.         The Boss                                                 207
3.(T)    Omaha                                                    206
   (T)    Kirk                                                        206
5.         Mark The Fro                                         205
6.         The Ghost                                               204
7.         Sanford                                                   203
8.         Rolls                                                       200
9.         King of the North                                   198
10.(T)  Big Red                                                  197
     (T)  The Commish                                         197
     (T)   Lady of The Cats                                   197
     (T)   Pops                                                       197
14.(T)   Jude The Prude                                      193
     (T)   Nashua                                                   193
     (T)   Big Bird                                                 193
17.        Peterborough                                         187
18.        Windsor Locks                                      180


Chairman Awards Committee

Super Bowl Audit

Well, I must say guess I should say, um...oh what the hell.

I am going to be nice and say congrats to the Commish for another year of fun and insults on the GO Zone.

I also think that it is for the best that the Boss of Deland didn't sweep both the Millie and Chappie Awards this season.  Winning both would end your life as you know it, Jo.  Seriously, think about it.

Your head would be so messed up that it would be unbearable, not just for you, but for all of us - as  our sweet, loving Joanne would be no more.  Oh, I am overcome with sadness just thinking of it!

And deep down, I think The Boss knows this and passed her own joy down to her undeserving husband by picking the 49ers.  There is no other explanation.  What a sweetheart!

Of course, there is a downside to her charity.  Will Deland acknowledge and truly appreciate this act of  insanity love?  We're talking Deland here, so the answer is "hell no, of course not."

Now for the Audit.  The Commish made just two minor errors this week, none of them affecting the final standings.

He gave Big Red 6 bonus points, overlooking the fact that she picked the Chiefs to gain the most rushing yards.  So her total should 7 + 5 = 12 points, and a total of 197 for the season.

He credited Patrick with just 4 bonus points, instead of the 5 he won, bringing Patrick's total score for the season up to 198.


VP Quality Control

Congratulations to Deland!!!

Congratulations go to Deland, the 2019020 GoZone Football League grand championed! Deland came on strong the seond half of tyhe season, but it was the playoffs, and particularly the Super Bowl, which gave him the points to win. Things must be tense in the Deland household, as the Boss was edged out after leading the entire season, going to prove the adage that you can't win the GoZone with picking the Super Bowl winner.

After the Boss, Omaha and his nephew Kirk had 206 points, good for third. Both played well overall, but both came on strong in the second half.

Congrats to all. Let us know if you hear from Deland!

Sunday, February 2, 2020