Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Way To Go, KIRK!

 I certify that the Commish's Week 19 stats are correct.

Normally such a performance by our Commish would call for high and most certainly
unexpected praise.

But there was a much greater achievement in Week 19 that the Commish has shamefully not yet recognized.

After week 5 Kirk was in 17th place, ahead of  only the hopelessly hapless Judy.

After week 13, he was still 17th, the only face in his rear view mirror being his sister, Diane.

In the past 6 weeks, he has risen a dozen slots to a tie for 5th, just 9 points behind the leader, Joanne!

Kirk was the only member of the Zone to correctly pick all four games this past week, scoring an outstanding 14 points.  No one else was even close!

Congrats Kirk!!!


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