Monday, January 20, 2020

Week 20 Audit

I have completed my Week 20 audit and pronounce it correct.

CEO Auditing Department

Week 20 Stats

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Friday, January 17, 2020


So hearing about Omaha and his colonoscopy only adds to his effort to deflect attention from his own paltry game. Such cutting remarks from a senior member with soooo many titles is at best disturbing. This may call for an internal investigation similar to his colonoscopy. Results may not be clear! Karen, feed him! He is getting ugly! Must be his golf game has gone to hell again!
Best to all and Kirk,
CEO, Colonoscopies-R-Us

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thanks for the lift, Deland

Thanks to you, Deland, Karen didn't feed me on Mon-Tue-Wed this week.

Soooo - since I wasn't full of shit and it was a slow day, I took advantage of this and had a colonoscopy today.  Sure glad to get that out of the way.  Did I thank you for this, Deland?

Oh, and you should sharpen your game, Deland, cause Kirk is only 4 points behind you.


Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief of Investigations
IT Director

Drippy, goopy, blah

Once again Omaha has over-stepped his bounds alluding to the insignificant rise in the standings of Kirk, the tree-sitting squirrel hunter from CT. Apparently his slight bump in the standings has lit up Omaha’s meteor scale. A slow day in Nebraska. Judy and Diane should not stand for such remarks from Omaha picturing them as the driftwood of the league! Karen, don’t feed the guy for three days and take his golf clubs away, maybe that will straighten out the self-appointed accounting czar. Again, a slow day in Nebraska.
Best to all in the playoffs,
Chairman, Watchdog Committee Go-Zone

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Way To Go, KIRK!

 I certify that the Commish's Week 19 stats are correct.

Normally such a performance by our Commish would call for high and most certainly
unexpected praise.

But there was a much greater achievement in Week 19 that the Commish has shamefully not yet recognized.

After week 5 Kirk was in 17th place, ahead of  only the hopelessly hapless Judy.

After week 13, he was still 17th, the only face in his rear view mirror being his sister, Diane.

In the past 6 weeks, he has risen a dozen slots to a tie for 5th, just 9 points behind the leader, Joanne!

Kirk was the only member of the Zone to correctly pick all four games this past week, scoring an outstanding 14 points.  No one else was even close!

Congrats Kirk!!!


Chairman Awards Committee
VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Senior Visible Member, Advisory Committee

Monday, January 13, 2020

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Playoff Game Rules

1. Members will begin the playoffs with their total points from the season.

2. Each playoff pick win will add 3 points to their scores.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well. The underdog will be determined by the Commissioner and identified on the picks chart.

4. The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points, with 3 underdog points.

5. In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.

         Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a. Most Rushing Yards on offense
b. Most Passing Yards on offense
c. Most Completions on offense
d. Most penalty yards as a team
e. Most sacks on defense
f. Most Rushing TD's
g. Most Passing TD’s

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Friday, January 3, 2020

Picks Link Is Now Working

Guido forgot to link the picks chart to its URL. Thanks to Judy and Ed, I alerted  him to the problem and he fixed it.

Week 18 Pics Link

Week 18 Picks Link not working.
