Tuesday, December 10, 2019

AWOL Auditor

It appears Omaha, aka The Ultimate Auditor with his many useless titles,  was awol for a good part of the week which affected the timely submission of picks. That in itself has triggered an investigation. Guido will chair that panel with the task of figuring out Omaha's timeline of misinformation and probably illiegal picks after the whistle so to speak. He divulged his picks today and still had two wrong!
The other travesty this week arose from Westmoreland. Imagine a New Englandah even thinking about not taking the Pats! Patriot Hater Ryan crossed that line and may now face The Foxboro Guillotine! Sharpen the blade! May the brunt of Bill Belichek’s blade descend upon you with lightning quickness! Treason! Villain! How can one not select the Pats. Surely this puts Ryan’s ownership status in question. Non-partisan bystander Deland has been selected to chair the “how could he have done that” panel to review possible grounds for suspension from the league. Evidence points to the Pats taking video of Ryan choosing against them. More to come🏈

Beat to all,