Monday, December 30, 2019

Order of Finish

1.             Joanne                                         185
2.             Sanford                                       183
3.             Marc                                            182
4.             Duke of Deland                           180
5. (T)       Ryan                                            178
5. (T)       The Commish                              178
7. (T)        Amy                                            177
7. (T)        Nick                                            177
9. (T)        Lindsay                                       176
9. (T)        Patrick                                         176
9. (T)         The Auditor                                176
12.            Peg                                              175
13.            Kirk                                             174
14.            The Ghost                                    173
15.            Luke                                            169
16.            Karen                                           167
17.            Judy                                             166
18.            Diane                                           165

Respectfully Submitted,

CEO Auditing Department

Jo Wins the Millie

Congrats to Joanne for winning the Millie. The Boss scored 185 points this season. Son Sean was close behind with 183 and Marc was next with 182. Jo was amazingly consistent this year and that brought her the glory!

IN other news, the Senior Advisory Council met last night and voted to extend the "I Beat Omaha" T-shirt offer to the regular season as well. Eligible for the t-shirt are Nick, Ryan, Amy, Sean, Jo, Kevin, Marc, and Mike. The cost is $15.00 and checks should be sent to Mike at 15840 Keygrass Ln, Fort Myers, FL 33905.

Dues are, well, due. The extremely cheap price of $10 will help pay for the trophies. Earlier this year, the SAC voted for a no-trophy penalty for those who win awards but fail to pay dues. The league is well into the red and could hardly afford to pay for Guido's bail last time.

Again, Congrats to Jo. Her tenacity served her well this year. Last year, Karen won with 188 points and the all time point record belongs to Mike with 192 in 2017-18.

Special thanks to Cousin Wayne whose tenacious auditing of the weekly results makes us a better and more transparent league.

Week 17 Stats

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Week 16 Audit


Uh, you need to make a change on Lindsay's total points, Commish.

You correctly have her 11-5 for the week, 1 point for Monday night, for a correct total of 12 points.

You correctly show her with a previous total of 155 points.

When you add the 12 points to the previous total of 155 points, the new total points SHOULD be 167.

Unfortunately you show her new total as 157.

Please make the corrections in your records so that the error is not carried over next week.


CEO Auditing Dept
VP Quality Control

Week 17 Picks Link

Week 16 Stats

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Week 15 Audit

Our Commish has passed the audit of his Week 15 stats.

Congrats Commish!


CEO Auditing Dept.
VP Quality Control
Supvr of Housekeeping

Week 16 Picks Link

Week 15 Stats

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Week 15 Thursday Night Picks

Week 14 Error

I had the Saints, not the 49ers. Should be 12-4, not 13-3.

The Ghost

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Week 15 Picks Link

survey address faulty?

I am unable to click on the picks survey link as posted by our Commish.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Week 14 Audit

Congrats to the Commish - he passed this week's audit with flying colors!


CEO Auditing Dept.

Week 14 Final Stats

AWOL Auditor

It appears Omaha, aka The Ultimate Auditor with his many useless titles,  was awol for a good part of the week which affected the timely submission of picks. That in itself has triggered an investigation. Guido will chair that panel with the task of figuring out Omaha's timeline of misinformation and probably illiegal picks after the whistle so to speak. He divulged his picks today and still had two wrong!
The other travesty this week arose from Westmoreland. Imagine a New Englandah even thinking about not taking the Pats! Patriot Hater Ryan crossed that line and may now face The Foxboro Guillotine! Sharpen the blade! May the brunt of Bill Belichek’s blade descend upon you with lightning quickness! Treason! Villain! How can one not select the Pats. Surely this puts Ryan’s ownership status in question. Non-partisan bystander Deland has been selected to chair the “how could he have done that” panel to review possible grounds for suspension from the league. Evidence points to the Pats taking video of Ryan choosing against them. More to come🏈

Beat to all,

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A pre-audit audit

Hey Commish, I did not pick the Raiders.  I picked the Titans to win that contest.  Please make this correction.


Week 14 Picks

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A Clean Audit

Congrats to our Commish for getting through Week 13 without errors.


CEO Auditing Dept.
VP Quality Control
Director Human Resources
Chief of Investigations
Supervisor of Housecleaning
Senior Visible Member, Advisory Council

Week 14 Picks Link

Week 13 Stats

Sunday, December 1, 2019