Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Comparison with Last Year

GG Gonzales has been quite disgusted with the poor showing of the league this year and claims that this year's totals so far were well below last year at the same time.

So, an investigation was in order.

The stats are interesting. Last year we had amassed 1125 total points for an average of 62.5. This year we have a total of 1092 points for an average of 60.6.

So, GG is both right and wrong. This year is behind last year's pace, but not by all that much.Windsor Locks is ahead of her pace from last year, as is the Commish, Peterborough, the Mother of Cats, the Duke of Deland, the Boss, and Big Bird. 

In a marvel of consistency, The King of the North has the exact same points as last year!

Last year at this time, Big Red and Nashua were tied for the lead with 68 points. (Big Red would go on to win the regular season.) This year, the Boss leads the league with, you guessed it, 68 points.

GG claims there is a conspiracy and the totals have been altered by someone, probably Omaha. But facts are facts, even in this day and age. “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past,” as Fitzgerald so perceptively wrote.