Thursday, October 31, 2019

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Oops, gotta correct the Commish again

Sorry Commish, but the perfect scores went to Peg and Sean.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Perfect again!

Our Commish has done it again!

I guess I've done such a great job of auditing the Commish's stats over the past several years that he is now error free 7 out of 8 weeks.

Now that I've cleaned the Commish's plow, er office, he is now taking his job seriously.

Next thing you know, there will be calls for abolishing my position as Auditor. 


CEO Auditing Dept
VP Quality Control
Senior Visible Member - Advisory Council
Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief of Investigations
Director, Human Resources

Week 9 Picks Link

Week 8 Stats

PERFECTION!! Not one, but two league members were perfect in their picks this week, as both Peg and Ryan got perfect 15-0 scores.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week 8 Thursday Night Picks

Week 7 Audit

It looks like my weekly audits have put pressure on our Commish to eliminate his sloppy work resulting in his barrage of errors over the past several years. 

I declare the Week 7 stats correct.  That's 6 out of 7 times this season.

Way to go Commish!

You're welcome.

CEO Auditing Department
VP Quality Control

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Comparison with Last Year

GG Gonzales has been quite disgusted with the poor showing of the league this year and claims that this year's totals so far were well below last year at the same time.

So, an investigation was in order.

The stats are interesting. Last year we had amassed 1125 total points for an average of 62.5. This year we have a total of 1092 points for an average of 60.6.

So, GG is both right and wrong. This year is behind last year's pace, but not by all that much.Windsor Locks is ahead of her pace from last year, as is the Commish, Peterborough, the Mother of Cats, the Duke of Deland, the Boss, and Big Bird. 

In a marvel of consistency, The King of the North has the exact same points as last year!

Last year at this time, Big Red and Nashua were tied for the lead with 68 points. (Big Red would go on to win the regular season.) This year, the Boss leads the league with, you guessed it, 68 points.

GG claims there is a conspiracy and the totals have been altered by someone, probably Omaha. But facts are facts, even in this day and age. “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past,” as Fitzgerald so perceptively wrote.

Another Clean Audit

Wow - our Commish has once again correctly tallied the league results - for the 5th time in 6 tries!

Way to go Commish!   At this pace I may be out of a job somewhere down the line.


CEO Auditing Department
VP Quality Control

Week 7 Picks Link

Week 6 Stats

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 5 Audit


A simple math error, or more likely, a reading error.

The Commish messed up Big Bird's total points after week 5.

He is correct that Big Bird score 10 points in week 5, but when you add 10 to his previous total of 44, his current total should be 51.

He showed him with just 31. 

Hey Commish, you are supposed to ADD the current week's total to his previous total, not SUBTRACT it!

No thanks required,


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department

week 6 Picks List Link

week 5 Final Stats

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Not a Professional Gambler, Unless...

Unless you purposefully had a bad week to throw off GG's investigation! The jury is still out!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I can once again certify this past week's result as correct.

The Commish is on a roll!

CEO Auditing Department

embarrassing week

I just wanted to clear the air that I am not a professional gambler once and for all!!!

Oh, The Carnage...

Observations from the Commish:

1. A Bad Day. It was a rough week for  many league members, with 8 of 18 having losing records. Sanford was doing fine until the end, where he lost the last 5 games in a row. However, Jude the Prude beat that with losing the last 8 in a row.

2. Jostling at the Top.  While Sanford's week only left him four points off the pace, the Prude's left her 14 from the top. Mother of Cats and the Boss continued with their fine picks, gracing the lead with 48 points each.

3. Top Point-Getters. Mother of Cats and Rolls both had 11 points for a week that saw few gaining ground. Pops, Windsor Locks, the 'Fro, Peterborough, and Pops all did well to garner 10 points for the week. Everyone else fell short of double digits for the week.

4. In the Running. King of the North is amongst the leaders with 46 points, and the Ghost, Peterborough, 'Deland and Pops are close behind with 45.

5. League Closing Summer Location. The league office will repair to Fort Myers on Saturday, October 5. Members should expect some disruption, but can help the situation by getting in their picks as early as possible. As long as the Monkey has the picks, the integrity of the process will be ensured, even if Sunday's posting is delayed.

Week 5 Picks List Link

Week 4 Stats