Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Thanks and New Dues Announcement

The Commish just got off the phone with the Ghost, congratulating him on his co-championship of the GoZone Football League. The Commish was gracious and effluent in his praise of the Silent One. The Ghost seemed unaware of the outcome of the league's competition and didn't return the Commish's sentiments. Despite the Ghost's boorish behavior, the Commish wishes to thank all the many members who have written, texted and facebooked their congratulations to him. He is humbled by the positive feelings engendered by the league.

The Commish was also buoyed by the fact that Big Red picked the Pats for the Superbowl. She has been a unreliable fan of the Pats over the years and one can't help noticing that if she had been a bit truer to them this season, she would have been elevated in the standings. But the Commish never comments on personal picks, so that will go unnoticed officially.

Guido informs the Commish that dues for the 2018-19 season are now due. In the past, the league has called for dues in the summer of the current year, but the inability of Omablah to comprehend which year he was paying dues for has created a need to ask for dues earlier. In fact, both Omablah and Big Pats Hater Red have paid for the 2019-20 season. No one wants to be behind the Nebraskans, so hurry to get your dues in to the Commish.

By the way, the following league members are eligible for the annual "I Beat Omaha" T-shirt this year: Karen, Judy, Kirk, Ed, Patrick, Mike, Peg, Marcus, Lucas, Jo, Sean, Amy, and Nick. Stay tuned for prices.

Please send dues payments to:

Mike O'Leary
15840 Key Grass Lane,
Fort Myers, FL 33905

Members who want to pay their dues through paypal can do so by accessing my account at:

You have to be a member of paypal to pay them this way, but you can sign up very quickly.

The Commish