Monday, February 6, 2017

Jo Sill on Cloud 9 !

Still reeling from last night's Patriots comeback, I'm beyond belief and overwhelmed with emotion for my beloved Patriots and their fearless, classy and family-man leader TB12!  He represents everything I tried to instill in my own children and exudes positivity and confidence I see in Sean and Kate. I jumped put of my seat in the 3rd quarter, willed the Pats to comeback, rubbed my hands together as Millie used to, sent winning vibes to TB and his team to not give up but to buck up. I couldn't sit down the rest of the game and into the wee hours of the morning watching SC andESPN till 3am. I shed tears of joy and care for Tom's mother being able to see her son make history and could not stop sobbing for over an hour. For me, as a mom of 2 children who are extremely wonderful, talented, competetive and true leaders of sportsmanship from their young lives, through collegiate sports, and now as parents, my pride in them compares to how the Bradys raised and feel about their son.

All that being written, I thoroughly enjoyed this year and previous years being a member of the GO-ZONE win or lose. The ribbing, camaraderie, love of family is irreplaceable. I pinch myself every day to come from a loving and competitive Kelley family and to marry into Chappie & Mille's family which only doubled all the same values, sportsmanship and will to strive to be the best you can be!

A huge thanks to The Commish and Guido for their tireless efforts again this season. I treasure the belly laughs I experienced from posts of  The Commish, Wayne, Jude, Karen, Kirk, Diane and others. Wayne & Kirk, Girls Rule this year - Wicked Awesome!  I had Young Nick biting on my heels which kept me following every game this season trying to make the winning picks. Now only if my golf game could improve as my picks did this season!

So, as this season closed in amazing fashion, all ribbing aside, thanks for the memories and I look forward to many more GO-ZONE years!

Still Very Excited Yet Humbly Yours,
Jo - one ultimate Tom Brady/Patriots Fan