Tuesday, November 17, 2015

 Wow what a week is right !  3  ladies taking charge    Way to go Brandy and Peg and yours truly   Come on Diane and Karen let's have an all lady  sweep this year.  It's time for a change how does the Song go, "The times they are a changing 🎼."
 Next week should prove interesting  -   I'll have to keep Deland down in the basement whoops there are no basements in Florida  😉   Maybe we can find a coffin for the ghost and lock him in so he is unable to gain m 👻   As far as the king of the north is concerned when he is at work late at night I'll hack into his computer when I'm in New Hampshire next week and put the whammy on it  💩   Yes at this point the boss will go to great lengths to have an all lady sweep  🏒 Only six weeks to go ladies hang in there 🏈
The best of the whole week though was the patriots pulling out that win Sunday what a game! 💙❤️
Brady rocks!  He's by far the best QB in my eyes - so intense, so disciplined, such a team player and motivator, a well-spoken young man for his team and not bad on the eyes either 👌
Seriously, how can anyone dispute his record, yet those sports announcers do every week - Here's to the next 6 weeks of powerhouse Brady bringing my beloved Pats through to another Superbowl !  I just may drive myself to California in February 🏈💙❤️