Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 13 Picks Chart

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week 12 Picks Chart

To make your picks online, go here.

Remember, there are Thursday Thanksgiving games.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Observations for Week 11

1.The Race Tightens a Bit. Jo held on to her lead, but it is down to 4 over the Ghost. Both were bolstered by picking the Pats on Monday Night, thereby gaining an extra point.

2. The Commish is a Winner! The Commish won the week, going 10-4, but his previous abysmal 5 weeks dooms him to an equally abysmal 99 points. He refrained from calling all members of his gender to try harder for the entire male sex. He assumed everyone was trying as hard as they could all along.

3. The 100's are the Elite. Six league members have totals in the 100's. Jo with 111, Ed with 107, Wayne and Karen with 105, Patrick with 104. Luke with 103 and Brandy with 102.

4. Numbers are Strange. After 11 weeks, Wayne and Karen has the exact same points. The Commish and his son Marc also share the same point total, and Kevin and his son Sean are only off by one point. It seems strange that after 11 weeks, the only members of the league who share the same point total are either related or married.

5. The Warthog in the Room. Well, I guess it is time to discuss it. Once again, a league member has picked against the Patriots. And, once again it was a pick for the Bills. I'm not sure what it is that makes the Bills so attractive, especially at Foxborough. Maybe it is the bombast from their coach. Ryan was hoping to get in the heads of Belichick and Brady, but instead he hypnotized one of league members from Connecticut. Or, as some members have suggested, maybe all of his Pats picks have been camouflage for a New York loving, Patriot hater all along. I don't know why or what happened to crack him this week. I only know he is two points lighter for the effort.

Some members have complained to the main league office, wondering if he is really a citizen of the US or if maybe he is some sort of refugee who says he wants to move here because he loves Americans, but is actually here to rip aways from us all that we hold sacred. I can't say one way or the other. I've spoken to the man and he seems calm and considerate, but just remember, many children loved Hitler until his actual foul natured showed up. Is he a refugee? Who knows. I know I have never seen his birth certificate, so I can't be any help here.

As commissioner, I want to make it clear that no league member can be punished, sanctioned or fined for picks that are unpopular. Love of the Patriots is taken for granted in this league. Well, at least it used to be, but all members should retrain themselves from retaliating with base actions. That is what the refugees want, to brings us down to their level, but we will stand tall, pick the Pats, and wait until the dead of night to deal with scoundrels in our midst.

Oh, I know many will  be sorely tempted to bet against the Pats this week. The Broncos have a great defense and we have no weapons left. And who ever heard of Belichick getting into the the mind of a rookie quarterback? That would be crazy! But the weaker kneed, the sunshine soldier, will gather his false courage and pick the Broncos, as well he should. Let him throw away his points.

Week 11 Stats

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

 Wow what a week is right !  3  ladies taking charge    Way to go Brandy and Peg and yours truly   Come on Diane and Karen let's have an all lady  sweep this year.  It's time for a change how does the Song go, "The times they are a changing 🎼."
 Next week should prove interesting  -   I'll have to keep Deland down in the basement whoops there are no basements in Florida  😉   Maybe we can find a coffin for the ghost and lock him in so he is unable to gain m 👻   As far as the king of the north is concerned when he is at work late at night I'll hack into his computer when I'm in New Hampshire next week and put the whammy on it  💩   Yes at this point the boss will go to great lengths to have an all lady sweep  🏒 Only six weeks to go ladies hang in there 🏈
The best of the whole week though was the patriots pulling out that win Sunday what a game! 💙❤️
Brady rocks!  He's by far the best QB in my eyes - so intense, so disciplined, such a team player and motivator, a well-spoken young man for his team and not bad on the eyes either 👌
Seriously, how can anyone dispute his record, yet those sports announcers do every week - Here's to the next 6 weeks of powerhouse Brady bringing my beloved Pats through to another Superbowl !  I just may drive myself to California in February 🏈💙❤️

Week 10 Observations

1. Worst Week Ever. In the history of the league, this was the worst week ever statistically. The average points won was only 4.4, and only one member, Brandy, had a winning week. The rest of us suffered through 3-11, 4-10 and 5-9 and 6-8 weeks. Two members broke even — Peg and Jo.

2. Jo Widens Her Lead. Jo's 7-7 week was enough to widen her lead to 5 points over the Ghost. With the number of games dwindling, 5 points looks better and better.

3. What Happened? Lots of logical favorites lost, and some lost badly. The Jets, the Ravens, the Packers, the Eagles, the Rams, the Saints, the Raiders, the Broncos, the Seahawks and the Bengals all lost. Who could have expected so many upsets in one week? Except for Jo, of course.

4. What Now? The landscape has changed considerably after this weekend. With the Packers, the Bengals and the Broncos now suspect, this week should be interesting. The Broncos and Eagles will have a new quarterback, the Pats lost a key receiver, the Saints are in disarray, and the Cowboys will have Romo back but are 2-7 on the year. What is with Seattle? Losing at home by a lot? The Eagles lost to the Dolphins? The Rams benched their quarterback? The Saints fired Rob Ryan? Will Rex make him his DC? Yikes?

5. Week Eleven. Broncos-Bears will be an interesting pick, as will Packers at the Vikes. Bengals at the Cardinals will bring two strong teams together, and the Bills at the Pats will cause a crisis in confidence for some in the league. We'll see.

6. The Crazy 90's. With Jo at 102, those chasing her bunched in the 90's. Ed has 97, Karen 96, Patrick and Wayne 95, Luke 94, Brandy 93 and Marc 92. The Commissioner suffered his worst week ever at 3-11. His only relief was knowing Deland had a 3-11 week as well.

Week 11 Picks Chart

Members can pick online here.

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Week 10 Stats

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Week 10 Picks Chart

To take this survey online, click here.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

 This is a test from Joe Joe the totally totally magnificent

Observations from Week 9

1. Jo Ascends. It was a tough week for many, but the Boss took over first place from the Ghost with a 9-4 week. Joining her at 9-4 was lovely newby Peg Grandmaison. Jo has strung together several strong weeks and has been steadily rising. Reportedly, she is practicing her trash talking to compete with Omaha and Deland.

2. Windsor Locks and the Fro Advance. Diane and First Son Marcus also had 9 point weeks, but they both had 8-5 records and won Monday Night. The Fro has been inconsistent this year but continues to have solid weeks. Diane has distinguished herself by picking many winning underdogs.

3. How the Mighty Have Fallen, But Not Far. Both recent leaders the Ghost and Peterborough had horrid weeks, scoring well below the average with 5-8 weeks. However, both are still in the hunt, being 2 and 7 points behind the Boss. This was the second bad week in a row for Luke, and he attributes it to "taking too much time making my picks." Apparently he did better when he picked all the games in less than a minute.

4. The 90's Rule.  The top five are all in the 90's. Jo has 95. Ed 93. Karen 92 and Wayne and Patrick 91. With Ed's bad week (finally!), the leadership has tightened up.

5. Big Upsets. The unanimous and near-unanimous league picks were a mixed bag this week. While the Pats, the Jets , the Giants and the Eagles held serve, heavy favorites the Chargers, the Saints, the Falcons, and the Broncos fell.

Week 9 Stats

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Week 9 Picks Chart

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Week 8 Stats

Sunday, November 1, 2015