Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Rules for Superbowl

After a  long, drawn-out and often bitter SAC meeting, the following Superbowl details were decided:

1.     The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points.
2.     In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.
3.     Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a.     Most Rushing Yards
b.     Most Passing Yards
c.      Most Completions
d.     Most penalty yards
e.     Most sacks
f.      Most turnovers
g.     Most Passing TD’s.

The SAC hopes that this new format will open the opportunity for many members to attain the coveted first place status. Members wishing to contest these new rules should send their concerns in an email to before noon on Saturday.