Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nice House!

Congrats to Luke on being a homeowner. Save some space for the old man when he comes North for visits.

I've been on my old man to give some calls to his bros but no such luck on that yet.

Finally thanks for all the congrats on my victory this year. It sure was a lot of fun.

The New Defender

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

congrats and rats

First, congrats to Patrick for pulling out the champoinship this year. (Wayne, I won that last year) and congrats to Luke and the new homeowner! That should work well for you(and Dad). The rats goes to Cuz for his not-so-surprising midwest dissing of the past champ. This too shall pass. Hi to all as season 2 was a lot of fun. SeanO is set for a comeback season next year with baby boyO2 making the picks! Finally, if there is an Ed sighting, ask him to call sometime

The Ex-Defender
Congrats to Patrick for winning the Chappie Award!

And congrats to Luke on his new home!

And of course, congrats to Kevin on achieving his deserved rank as an also-ran...


Luke Bought a House!

Luke's offer on a house in Peterborough has been accepted and he hopes to close by April. It is in a very nice section of town and needs some painting and roof work, but he and his friends hope to handle that.

It has a downstairs "guest suite", so you can guess who that guest will be!

Here is a link to the specs. From that page you can click to pictures of it (and a google map as well).

Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl and League Season Results

Congratulations to Patrick, our new Football League winner of the Chappie Trophy. His picks in the Superbowl garnered him the top spot by 6 points.

The results and stats:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Brandy picked the Giants for the win. GET IT RIGHT! Automatic free point for me. Let's just add that rule to the mix as well. The rules tend to change around here with the wind, so one more won't hurt. Any error spotted by a member results in a free point for that member. Run that by your SAC!

Superbowl Picks

Here are our SuperBowl picks. I have left the grid on so that members can total their points easily. The commissioner may well be indisposed until at least Tuesday. For best results, copy the image to your computer's image app (photoshop, etc) and then print from there. Printing the email may truncate the grid.

Super bowl picks

Kate & Scott both choose:
Winner: pats
Rush: giants
Pass: pats
Completions: giants
Penalty yards: pats
Sacks: giants
Turnovers: giants
Passing TD: pats

Super Bowl Picks


Superbowl Winner: G-Men
a. Most Rushing yards: G-Men
b. Most Passing yards: Patriots
c. Most Completions: G-Men
d Most Penalty yards: Patriots
e. Most Sacks: G-Men
f. Most Turnovers: Patriots
g. Most Passing TD's: G-Men


Superbowl Winner: G-Men
a. Most Rushing yards: G-Men
b. Most Passing yards: G-Men
c. Most Completions: G-Men
d. Most Penlty yards Patriots
e. Most Sacks: G-Men
f. Most turnovers: Patriots
g. Most Passing TD's: G-Men

Super pix

Bran & Ry:
Winner - Pats
Rushing - Giants
Passing - Pats
Completions - Pats
Penalties - Giants
Sacks - Giants
Turnovers - Pats
Passing TD - Pats

Winner - Pats
Rushing - Pats
Passing - Pats
Completions - Pats
Penalties - Giants
Sacks - Pats
Turnovers - Giants
Passing TDs - Pats

SAC Meeting Notes and the Commissioner's Picks

SAC Meeting
After a contentious SAC meeting, in which some members sought to have the Superbowl not all for underdog points, the commissioner was able to wrest the decision in favor of retaining underdog points for the game. He noted that his own pick influenced his decision, in the interests of integrity, which is his most significant standard.

Commissioner’s Picks:
Winning Team: Patriots
Most Rushing yards: Pats
Most Passing Yards: Giants
Most Completions: Pats
Most Penalty yards: Giants
Most Sacks: Patriots
Most Turnovers: Giants
Most Passing TD’s: Pats

Good Luck to all.

BTW, do not submit picks to the address, for it is not working right now.




a. NE
b. NE
c. NE
d. NYG
e. NE
f. NYG
g. NE



a. NYG
b. NE
c. NE
d. NE
e. NE
f. NYG
g. NE
Lets clarify most penalty yards while we are at it.

I assume you mean the team who gains the most yards via penalty, so I am picking the Pats.

If you mean the team that gets penalized (yards) the most, then I would pick the Giants.

Sheesh, why do I have to be the one to point out all these vague category labels?

The moment you all have been waiting for, my picks:

I will be cheering for the Pats, but in order to gain ground, sorry, I must pick the Giants to win.

Most rushing yards - Giants
Most passing yards - Pats
Most completions - Pats
Most Penalty yards - Pats
Most sacks - Giants
Most turnovers - Giants
Most TD passes - Pats

Now, by most turnovers, I am assuming you mean the team that turns the ball over the most. If that is not correct, and it means the team that receives, or creates the most turnovers, then my pick is the Pats.

I don't wan't this issue to go to "the committee" as it has screwed me every time!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Rules for Superbowl

After a  long, drawn-out and often bitter SAC meeting, the following Superbowl details were decided:

1.     The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points.
2.     In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.
3.     Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a.     Most Rushing Yards
b.     Most Passing Yards
c.      Most Completions
d.     Most penalty yards
e.     Most sacks
f.      Most turnovers
g.     Most Passing TD’s.

The SAC hopes that this new format will open the opportunity for many members to attain the coveted first place status. Members wishing to contest these new rules should send their concerns in an email to before noon on Saturday.