Wednesday, February 16, 2022

All Hail Trey!!

 The winner of the Chappie and the Millie, Trey took the league by storm this season. He successfully avoided the hated "bad week" syndrome and made solid picks each week.  Congratulations again Trey. A job very well done.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Blah Blah.

 Such as weak dribble from Omaha once again. After years of mediocrity he finally broke in to the top five knowing of course that no one ever remembers who the bridesmaid is. Congrats to Trey for the sweep this year. Solid from the get go! Now I certainly hope he can avoid the Sophomore Slump which has been evident with a number of new league owners Hoping all enjoy the off season and gear up for next year. The one thing we do not need is another auditor. That department is over-crowded as is. From Omaha to Windsor Locks to Manchester to Ft Myers——stay well all! Diane could not make the summer meeting last year so she is in charge of the event this year.

Dutifully and humbly yours



Updated Audit

 I almost forgot, Peg joined me with a 219-point final total to share top honors with me in the senior department.


Season Final Audit

 The Commish and I took a different approach to our year-end audit this season.  We each did our final tally and then the Commish read his final figures to me over the phone.  Lo and behold, for the first time ever, we matched on everything and everyone!

It was a great season and congrats to our champion, Trey, who ran away with the top honor.

Ed and Kevin turned in their usual meager performances as also-rans, while our Commish was once again a never-ran.

Among the seniors, I must (almost) humbly accept the top honor for kicking Ed's, Mike's and Kevin's collective sorry asses.  

Humbly submitted,


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Senior Visible Member - Advisory Council

Monday, February 14, 2022


 Leading the league from the first week of the season and keeping that lead for all but one week of the season, Trey had a masterful first year. Those of us who fell behind early could only watch warily as Trey refused to have even one off week. Consistently solid picks week in and week out allowed Trey to cruise through the season.

He set as record as well. For the first time in the 11 year history of the league, he won the season without winning the Super Bowl pick. That was a testament to his season long mastery.

Sunday, February 13, 2022