Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Try this survey

Here is the totally free Google survey. I will be using this form from now on, unless problems arise.

The Shark Got Bitten

 Wow, he was feeling like he couldn’t have a bad week with all the trash talking going on. Ouch! Came back to the pack with a flurry of not-so-good picks. Pretty quiet in Summerville lately as the noose gets slightly tighter! Time to throw away that notebook. The guy has a Go-Zone file thicker than Antonio Brown’s court records. Omaha is lurking as he does annually only to disappoint as the Millie gets closer. Millie and Chappie here we come!! Kirk, you okay? Lots of wounds this week. Commish, well, another week ahead!

Best to All,


Week 13 Picks Link

Lets hope this works out.


Week 12 Stats


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Week 12 Corrections

Kate took the Broncos over the Chargers. 

Diane took the Eagles.

Ed had the Bengals.


 I should have the Packers.

Week 12 Picks


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Week 12 Corrections


Diane picked the Bears, the Raiders, and the Bills.

Lindsey picked the Saints over the Bills.

Thursday Picks


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Survey Trouble


I reworked the survey, then posted the link. I clicked on the link and it brought me to the revised schedule, but it repeated three games. I went back to the survey website and checked the list and everything was fine. So, I don't know what to do other than having people fill out the new survey and skip the repeats. Sorry, I'll call the survey company tomorrow and find out what the story is. If you are having problems filling out the survey, you can text me your picks using the order of the list I publsihed with the revised survey.

Week 12 Pick Chart Link (Revised)

 Wayne has been having trouble filling out the picks chart. He has been getting an erroneous list. I went on and got the same thing. Therefore, hopefully, the following link should bring you to the correct list. Five members have already filled out their picks and they seem to have gotten the correct list the first time. 

This is the correct list:

The new link:


Make your picks early!!

Hey gang, lend a helping hand to our esteemed (?) Comissioner today.  Don't wait until Thursday to make your picks, make them today!

Our Commish has a lot of work to do compiling the week's picks and publishing them before the first kickoff.  

There are three games on Thanksgiving Day.  I think the first one kicks off around noon, maybe earlier.  Help the old fart out by getting your picks in well ahead of that time.



Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Week 11 Audit

I have completed my audit of the Commish's stats through Week 11 of the Go Zone Football League.

Our Commish only had one error in his published Week 11 stats.

He incorrectly computed Amy's won-lost record for Week 11 as10-5.  She actually was 11-4 and also correctly picked the Monday night game, giving her a total of 12 points for the week.  Adding in her previous points (100) makes her new and correct total 112 points through 11 weeks.  


CEO Auditing Department
VP Quality Control
Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief Statistician
Senior Visible Member - Advisory Council  

Week 12 Picks Chart Link


Important. This week there are three Thanksgiving games, starting at 12 noon. Members should be sure to get in their picks for those games by 11 for GG to get the picks recorded.


Week 11 Stats


Monday, November 22, 2021

Picks Corrections


Ed picked the Eagles, not the Saints.

Marcus sent in his picks late, but before 1:00.

Amy's record was correct, but I miscounted her totals. She was 11-4, not 10-5 for the week, for a total of 112. All these corrections have been made to the master documents (pick chart, weekly stats and power stats). Thanks to Wayne for catching that error.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Week 10 Stats

I have audited the Week 10 stats and certify them as correct.


Sunday, November 14, 2021


 Kate picked the raiders.

Marcus sent in his picks just after I published the chart.

Week 10 Final Picks


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Week 10 Picks Chart Link



Week 9 Stats Revised



 Omaha has his work cut out for him this week.

Guido on a bender?

Any way I should be 5-9 for a total of 94 points.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021

 There's a lot of hot air blowing up North from Deland. 

Doesn't Omaha have the lead over Deland?

Most do.

Thursday NIght Picks


King of the Nothing

 Patrick continues to whine about his point total. Hasn’t he reached his quota for the month? Apparently he is the auditor-in-waiting or Omaha’s apprentice. Which brings me to another point total. Trey, with his beginner’s luck continues to trash talk the league owners paralleling that of Jerry Jones and the over-valued Dallas Cowthugs. Such behavior will only lead to a downward spiral for the Summerville Slicker. Even Omaha never acted like this but come to think of it Omaha seldom has had the lead. Oh well, good luck to all. Guido please add to the next No-SAC meeting agenda the discussion of possible fines for runny-mouths Patrick and Trey. Borderline abusive and headachy.

Best to all


To King of the North


Wayne and I agree with your score of 88. The week 8 stats will reflect that and the 88 figure will be used on this week's stats.

The Commish

Audit Week 8

 I should be 9-6, not 8-6 for the week. With a total of 10 pts for the week, 88 overall.

Your King

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Week 8 Audit

 Wow!  Pretty impressive there, Commish.  

I have audited the Week 8 stats, and find no errors.  Are you trying to put me out of a job?

Keep up the good work! 👍


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Senior Visible Member - Advisory Council

Week 9 Picks Chart Link



Week 8 Stats