Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Patriots picks

The Patriots have played 15 games over the first 16 weeks of the season (they didn't play week 5).  They have compiled a 6-9 record thus far.

I thought it might be interesting to see how my three cousins and I fare on Pats' picks over those 15 games.

The Ghost has a 8-7 record on his Pat's picks over those games.  He picked them to win 9 times.

The Commish picked the Pats every week and had a 6-9 record...yuck.

Deland also picked the Pats every week, and also had the same yucky 6-9 record.

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, sooo, let just say I kicked their asses, er, um, nipped them.  heh


Chief Statistician

Week 15 Power Stats


Week 16 Audit

 Good job, Commish - my audit matches your numbers.

Are you going to post your Power Stats again this week?  I like that feature and the format you use.


CEO Auditing Dept
VP Quality Control

Week 17 Picks Chart Link



Week 16 Stats


Monday, December 28, 2020

To Rolls


I have checked your answer and corrected the picks chart. 

 Commish, I picked the seahawks not the rams......


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Friday, December 25, 2020

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Week 15 Audit

 Congrats, Commish (sort of).

Your Week 15 stats are correct.

However, your power stats, a nice and welcome addition to the weekly stats, has one error.

Windsor locks' new total is 131, not the 121 you listed for her.

This is important - your 10-pt. error could knock her out of the running...heh.


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Dept.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Week 16 Picks Chart Link



Remember: No Thursday game, but a Friday game at 4:30 and three games on Saturday, starting at 1:00

Week 15 Power Rankings


Week 15 Stats


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Week 14 Standings

 Here are the standings heading towards the home stretch:

1.         149  Lady of the Cats
2.         148  Rolls
3.         147  Sanford
4.  (T)  146  Ghost
4.  (T)  146  Commish
6.         145  Omaha
7.         144  Deland
8.         143  Big Bird
9.         142  Pops
10. (T) 141  Big Red
10. (T) 141  Jude The Prude
10. (T) 141  Peterboro
10. (T) 141  The Boss
11.       137  King of the North
12.       136  The Fro
13.       133  Granby
14.       130  Nashua
15.       124  Windsor Locks


Chief Statistician


Week 14 Audit

 Wow, Week 14 was a killer for the Oleary boys!

Congrats to Lady of  the Cats for reclaiming first place - I'll post the standings later today.


CEO Auditing Dept.
Chief Statistician
VP Quality Control

Week 15 Pick Chart Link



Remember: Saturday games started at 4:30.

Week 14 Stats


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Week 13 Audit

Congrats to the Commish!  

I certify the Commish's Week 13 stats as correct!

It's a lot of extra work looking for the usual errors that aren't there.


CEO Auditing Dept.

Week 14 Picks Chart Link



Week 13 Stats


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Go-Zone standings

 Below are the standings through Week 12:

1.  (T)    127    Ghost
1.  (T)    127    Deland
3.  (T)    126    Lady of Cats
3.  (T)    126    Rolls
3.  (T)    126    Commish
6.           123    Big Bird
7.           122    Omaha
8.   (T)   121    Big Red
8.   (T)   121    Sanford
10. (T)   120    Jude The Prude
10. (T)   120    Pops
12. (T)   119    Peterboro
12. (T)   119    The Boss
14.         117    The Fro
15.         116    King of the North
16.         113    Granby
17.         110    Nashua
18.         105    Windsor Locks


Chief Statistician
Chairman, Awards Committee
IT Director, Information Technology    

Week 12 Corrected Stats


Week 12 Audit

 Commish, Commish, Commish...

Sorry to have to tell you this, Commish, but you have one critical error in your Week 12 stats.

The 49ers beat the Rams, 23-20; however, you didn't give the 16 of us who picked the Rams a loss.  You did give Windsor Locks and Big Bird a win, so there is no change in those two stats.

The remaining 16 of us who picked the losing team need to get an "X" on that game, and our total score on the Week 12 stats needs to be corrected and reduced by one point.


Senior Visible Member - Advisory Council
Chief Statistician
Supervisor of Housecleaning
CEO Auditing Department