Tuesday, June 14, 2016

SAC Passes New Membership Requirements

The Senior Advisory Council has passed stringent new requirements for people seeking membership in the Go Zone Football League. As everyone knows, memberships are at a premium and space is small for new members. For that reason, the Commish tasked Guido Gonzales with creating new requirements. He has done so and the SAC unanimously accepted them. The advisory council of the GZFL thanked him profusely for his work and dedication to his job.

The documents are a loyalty oath and a formal application.

Comments congratulating the Commish and the SAC can be made on this blog.

Luke Accepts Trophies

The Commish presents the 2015 Chappie
to Lucas O'Leary last Sunday.
The Commish presented trophies to Luke O'Leary and to JoAnne Kelley O'Leary Sunday at the Summer Awards Presentations in Mt. Uncanoonic Lodge.

Luke received both the Millie (regular season champion) and the Chappie (Overall League Champion). This year, for the first time, the Chappie was earned by two league members, Luke and JoAnne tied for the most points earned. Jo wasn't at the event, so her trophy was accepted by Kevin O'Leary, a close personal relation.

The Commish's remarks were rudely cut short by heckling from Omaha and Deland, and he had to abandon a lengthy personal history prepared for the event. Nevertheless, participants enjoyed the food, good humor and pleasant atmosphere of the lodge. An investigation is underway by Guido Gonzales as to who gave out the location of the event to Omaha and Deland. He promised to "find and punish" the culprit.

Lucas said his success came from clean living and "flying under the radar" of some of the most vocal league players. His surprising and some would say reckless picks were a product of his philosophy of taking a risk in life.

Luke promised to "assiduously defend his title."