Thursday, February 6, 2014

I truly want to congratulate you on finishing in first place this year. I am sure that you spent a lot of time evaluating all statistic's and watching Chris Berman weekly. Well it clearly paid dividends for you!
Once again congratulations and I am sure we will be hearing from you soon. Oh and by the way ~ what do you want to be called? Would it be the Champ or the Chump? See you in NH cuz

Monday, February 3, 2014


Congrats to Uncle Kev on his victory. It takes a special kind of person to win it all.
Here's a pic of Kevin celebrating in triumph:

Oh my mistake. That's a skunk. There's a skunk at my work and my boss named him Kevin, so you can see my confusion.

But seriously congrats again to Uncle Kevin. You're awesome?


From his grace, the King in the North to the King down South.